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NZSE College delivers New Zealand’s first ECE Level 4 qualification in Mandarin on January the 25th 2022.

As one of Aotearoa’s leading private tertiary education providers, NZSE College is honoured to announce the launch of New Zealand’s first ECE Level 4 qualification taught and assessed in Mandarin in January 2022.

With the vision of transforming lives through the power of learning, NZSE College strives to be innovative and agile in its delivery approach.

NZSE College’s highly accessible, engaging, and creative ECE Level 4 programme now delivered both online and in Mandarin, provides those already working in a home-based setting with the skills and knowledge needed to become a competent Early Childhood Educator. The benefits of the flexible online learning approach also help students develop technology, self-motivation, and academic referencing skills.
Founder of New Zealand Skills and Education Group (NZSEG) Brijesh Sethi says, “making learning accessible and flexible has always been my drive. NZQA’s approval of this qualification has removed further barriers to education and enables our learners and community to be able to achieve their goals in their lives.”

To ensure more effective care and education for our tamariki, from 2025 all home-based early childhood services will be required to have at least 80% of their educators hold a minimum qualification of ECE Level 4 – a regulation introduced by The Ministry of Education in February 2019. NZSE College supports this requirement with an online Certificate in ECE Level 4 in English and now also Mandarin, providing greater access to a diversity of kaiako to become qualified.
Mr. Sethi comments, “this qualification aligns with the Government’s priority of getting home-based ECE workforce qualified by 2025 and will have a very positive impact on our community and our young generation’s life”.

After a lot of hard work, NZSE College’s application to teach ECE Level 4 in Mandarin has been fully approved and endorsed by NZQA.
Chief Executive Officer Wendy Liao says, “We are so thrilled to have this qualification through the approval process, especially being taught and assessed online and in Mandarin”.

Our first intake is set to start on the 25th of January 2022 where Mandarin-speaking students are empowered to gain their ECE qualification without the language barriers. Ms. Liao comments,

“this marks a huge milestone in both NZSE College and New Zealand’s history for diversity and inclusion and this is only the beginning."

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