/ Student Hub / Student Support / Student Wellbeing
Student Wellbeing

Our students are at the centre of our wrap around care enabling you to thrive and successfully achieve your educational goals. You are an important member of the NZSE whānau. If you are unsure how to do this ask your tutor.
NZSE’s policies and practices are designed to keep the student in the center of our ecosystem. Students can expect to study and thrive in a supportive environment where they are respected, their voice is heard, and they feel included.
Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners
NZSE has agreed to observe and be bound by the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 which provides the framework to support the wellbeing and safety of domestic and international students. The code makes clear that creating an environment that supports learning and wellbeing is a shared responsibility between tertiary providers, students, whānau and the wider community.
To learn more about the Code visit: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/providers-partners/tertiary-and-international-learners-code
Financial Wellbeing and Support
Disability Support
Mental Health and Disability Support Support is available to our learners with permanent or temporary disabilities to achieve their potential. Please let us know about your disability at the time or enrolment so we can assess your support needs to identify and plan your support to help you succeed. If you have a mental health condition, medical condition or learning disability, you must declare this at the time of application so we can ensure we can cater to your specific support requirements and circumstances. We have a range of agencies who we work with to ensure you get the appropriate support in a timely manner so that you can meet your educational goals and maximise your learning opportunities.
Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination
Health and Safety
NZSE promotes an environment that is safe and healthy for all students and staff. If you have an accident, incident, or near miss, please speak to the Front Office at your campus to let them know. Please find additional information about Student Safety in Auckland here.
Smoke-free campuses
All of our campuses are Smoke-Free. We care for the well-being of all NZSE staff, students and visitors and encourage others to help make NZ Smoke-free by 2025. This long-term goal implemented by the NZ Government looks at reducing smoking prevalence and tobacco availability to minimal levels.
Hazard Reporting
First Aid and other emergencies
If you have an accident, near miss or injury, please report it to the Front Office at your campus. Staff will provide First Aid care and the accident will be recorded in the accident register. In the case of fire or other emergencies:
- Remain calm
- Follow staff instructions
- Go to the nearest emergency exit
- Wait at your campus’s emergency meeting point
Civil Defence Emergency information
Civil Defence are the people who help prepare for and respond to emergencies like major fires, floods, extreme weather, an earthquake or tsunami. Their website has important information on how to get ready for an emergency – Civil Defence
Driving Safely
Even if you’ve driven in other countries, it’s important to understand the New Zealand driving rules before getting behind the wheel. Some of our roads are narrow and have loose gravel. Knowing the correct rules and taking extra precautions when driving may save your life. Learn more about driving safely here.
Sun and Water Safety
In New Zealand, we take sun safety very seriously. It’s important to be sun smart when outdoors to protect your skin and eyes from the sun’s damaging rays (UV radiation). Learn more about sun safety in New Zealand here.
New Zealand is home to plenty of water based activities, whether that be at home, at the pool, on the beach or by a river. When it comes to water, its important to know how to stay safe. Learn more about water safety here.
Accident Insurance
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) provides accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents, and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further information can be viewed on the ACC website.
Finding a Doctor
To find a General Practitioner or Doctor who practices close to where you live, you can check online at: https://www.adhb.health.nz/your-health/find-a-gp/ Alternatively, you can talk to a student support member who will assist you to find medical centres and relevant medical services in your local area.
Mental Health
If you feel as though you may be experiencing depression or anxiety, or are anxious about living in a new country, please know that you’re not alone and that there are many places you can turn to ask for help:
- https://depression.org.nz/
- Depression Helpline – 0800 111 757 or free text 4202
- Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or free text HELP (4357)
- Need to talk – free call or text 1737
Sexual Health
For advice, information, contraception, check-ups and consultations related to sexual health, visit Family Planning or Auckland Sexual Health Service. Both have clinics around Auckland and offer confidential advice and assistance for men and women of all ages.
LGBTQIA+ Support
RainbowYOUTH is a charitable organisation providing support, information, advocacy for LGBTQIA+ youth in Aotearoa New Zealand. https://www.ry.org.nz
If you’re wanting to talk to someone about anything gender identity-related, OUTLine provides confidential telephone support. Give them a call on 0800 688 5463 (OUTLINE).
Family Services
Use this directory to locate and contact support for services relating to addiction, basic needs, disaster recovery, education and training, employment, ethnic services, family violence, health, mentors, legal and civil services, mental health, parenting and caregiving, special needs and disability, youth services, and ISO capability.
Family Services Directory
Race-based Online Abuse
If you’re experiencing online bullying, abuse or harassment based on your colour, race, ethnicity or nationality, we have a free and confidential service to help. Find out more information here.
Alcohol and Drug Addiction
The Alcohol Drug Helpline provides friendly, non-judgmental, professional help and advice:
https://alcoholdrughelp.org.nz/helpline/ Call 0800 787 797 or text 8681
Emergency - Police, Fire and Ambulance
Do not hesitate to call 111 in matters of life and death or if you are not sure about the seriousness of a situation. 111 is for police, fire, or medical emergencies when immediate action is required: someone’s health, safety or property is in jeopardy, or a crime is in progress. A trained operator will answer the call. Listen carefully, speak clearly and try to remain calm and clearly communicate your situation with the operator. The operator will stay on the line with you to make sure your call is directed to appropriate agency and you get timely assistance.
School’s Emergency Contact
Onshore students
In case of an emergency outside working hours: Our 24/7 emergency contact is 021 917 442.
In case of an emergency during school hours: There is always a small chance of an emergency when you are on the premises. When there is an emergency, please follow the guidance of your tutors, NZSE staff and emergency services.
In case of a fire, every campus has a fire warden and you will be guided to safety by the team. Emergency exits are marked and evacuation plans are displayed in each campus. Any other important health and safety information will be provided by e-mail updating you on the situation for the campus and your courses. We will also publish updates on our Facebook page.
For any concerns, please call the campus on 09 827 6100 or e-mail [email protected].
Offshore International Students
Emergency Contact: Please contact your local emergency services in the first instance, as they will be able to provide immediate and on-ground support for your safety and wellbeing. Your key contact for any pastoral care and related matters is your dedicated student support advisor whose details will be provided at orientation. You can also contact Student Support via email on [email protected]
Student Code of Conduct and Related Policies
Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners (The Code)
NZSE is a signatory to the Code which provides the framework to support the wellbeing of all our learners, including offshore learners. The outcomes of the Code will be applicable to our offshore students as well so they will participate and have representation in our Learner Voice Committee and their feedback will be captured through our Surveys as well