NZSE Open Day, July 18th, 2024. Click here to find out more
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Getting Ready to Study

Enrolment Paperwork

We will ensure that all administration related to your enrolment is completed. This includes the Student Contract Agreement, Student ID and your local contact details. We will also review your visa and insurance papers (International) OR review your StudyLink and related document, ID and clearances as necessary (Domestic). When you sign the enrollment form, you are signing a legally binding agreement with NZSE.

Your Contact Details

NZSE needs to be able to contact you during your studies and if required, be able to reach you during break times. We will usually contact you using your NZSE email account so please check your emails regularly. Please advise your tutor or the Student Support Team if your address, phone number or emergency contact details change OR you can use the Change of Contact Details Form. Your emergency contact will be contacted if there are reasonable grounds to believe there is a threat to your wellbeing/health/safety.

Bring Your Own Device

NZSE campuses with their dedicated premium fibre optic internet connections are designed to support student learning through the use of students’ own devices.

A number of retailers offer special discounts on electronic items for students. You can visit our preferred supplier PB Tech who will be happy to assist you.

Enquire Now

NZSE provides a student-centered approach to your learning and full support to your life as a student. Request information here:

Download Prospectus 2024

Please fill in the form below to receive NZSE 2024 prospectus