NZSE Open Day, July 18th, 2024. Click here to find out more

Jasmine Norling

Early Childhood Teacher, Nurture at Home

Jasmine enrolled in NZSE’s School of ECE with the aim of becoming qualified as a teacher in Early Childhood Education. The online and flexible deliver made it easier for Jasmine to manage both her studies and her life as a mum of four children.

“The course was at night so I didn’t have to worry about childcare for my children.”

What did Jasmine value most at NZSE?

“NZSE is made up of very passionate people. My tutor never once made me feel stressed or like I’d asked a silly question. She was supportive and knowledgeable. I’m very thankful for her and her way of teaching.”

Jasmine’s tutor also made a big impact on her ability to learn:
“I have ADHD and sometimes I find it hard to stay on-task; I can feel overwhelmed. My tutor, Annie, made the questions clear and she was contactable anytime I wanted to double check anything or needed guidance. She made me feel confident in myself which made the course so much more enjoyable.”

“I gained such an immense amount of knowledge on New Zealand’s Early childhood Curriculum; I have a much clearer understanding of Te Whariki and its principles.”

Lifelong Skills

Having graduated in 2023, Jasmine found a job immediately. She is now a home educator for Nurture at Home, where she educates children under the age of five – a role which she loves:

“Guiding children in their learning is one of the most rewarding jobs you could have. In this role, you can help shape our young tamariki to form positive reciprocal relationships with others and teach them about our world. No two days the same – it’s such a fun career, but above all rewarding.”

Her next step is to further her studies as an early childhood educator.

“Becoming certified through NZSE enabled me to work in the ECE sector - driving me to continue my study career in ECE. Next, I will be applying for a Bachelors programme in ECE”.

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